Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hate is a strong word....i know...all my life i tried to avoid using this word because of its strong meaning dat it carries along..however, I can't hold this word inside anymore...

I HATE @#$%&!!

Don't worry friends, it's not any of u..and it's not a specific person...but a specific company.. they are trying to cheat some money out of me!! (dah la aku baru je stat keje...mane ade sen!!)

After all these years of bad service...they are trying to get some “extra” money..when i placed a complain months ago, they said that it was a “mistaken charge” in my bill and they will waive it in my next bill...4 months passed yet it’s still not again i called them asking bout the matter....

To my anger, the customer service lady raised her voice at me and told me that the “mistaken charge” had been waived..instead, i am the one who did not pay 4 months of bills (equivalent to the “mistaken charge”)...i know my math & IQ mite not be as gud as of Adi Putra...but seriously, YOU are trying to twist things up...that “mistaken charge” is supposed to be waived...but now u r telling me dat I didn’t pay my bills..i’ve got all the proofs dat I paid my bills every month! Try me!! Come & get ur dirty money & i’ll assure YOU that i’ll write to the newspapers as well as TV!

Ur company ain’t a small company..why r u trying to get dirty money from customers..???...waive dat bloody amount and count me out from ur customer list.. i’m not gonna stand ur bad service+bad customer care...I HATE YOU @#$%&!! Can’t believe the company i’m working with is doing ur project...Damn!!!


Nad said...

ada masa plak post blog........

@Fr!^n@ said...

make sure its is not gothca call.. hee.. :P
make complaint over n over again...
yah.. im with ya..;)

Black Mouse said...

Nad : type kat kt opis..huhuu..

@Fr!n@ : tenkiu2..may d force b wif me..assistant manager xbran ke nk call me back..?..huhu..