Monday, March 16, 2009

My Life Suck Without You....

yes...i know....bad start for a Monday morning...surprisingly, the roads today are quite clear and i reach my office quite early..however, along the journey, i just have the instinct that something is not right...but i can't seem to tell what it is..and upon reaching my office, i come to realise the fact that i................................had left my handphone at home!!!..arghhhh!!

separation from my handphone is a torture to me..i'm so used to having it used to spinning it around (it's becoming a habit...i even do it when i'm driving...huhu..), sms-ing n calling frenz anywhere n anytime... *sigh*

i'm missing u incik sony ericsson.....can't wait to go home today to see u n hold u in my, in my hands...hehehhh... :P

last but not least, "My life suck without you Incik Sony Ericsson!!!".....


@Fr!^n@ said...

my life stuck with u plain water.. wakakakaka... nk ckp.. konye phone cam my previous ex.. duh... :P

ps- now im using sony ericson juge. :P

Black Mouse said...

wawawawa...aku rindu kamooo dodol..bile nk abis lock-up nye?..
huhuu...ya ka?da tukau phone seyh..bleh la wat klub sony ericsson ek?...muehehhe... :P