Sunday, March 15, 2009


Blackmouse is confused...
plz help blackmouse decide...

Option A

= cheaper

= lower speed

= not so new, yet not so old model

Option B

= more expensive than Option A yet affordable

= higher speed

= kinda new model

blackmouse goes crazy when she saw these two black usb modem!!
both design looks cool...unlike other dull-looking usb modem..
at first thought, blackmouse wants to grab option A...
because she only has a low speed connection...(oso becoz its cheaper..heheh!)
at 2nd thought, what if soon, blackmouse wants to subscribe to a faster connection, den wudn't it b a waste to buy another modem?..
at 3rd thought, by the time she change to a faster connection, she wud b rich enough (n wudn't mind buying a 2nd modem, yg 1st kasi kucing main je..)..hahha! :P
i just cant seem to make up my mind....ur piece of mind is highly appreciated..

P/s: i also accept money order, cheque, paypall etc..bwekkk!!

1 comment:

@Fr!^n@ said...

hey i recommend that u go for option B for long term effect.. maybe the 1st one cheper but i think sooner or later sure nk fast speed.. kan kan.. ;) mcm2 bende nk doload or whatever..

i vote for B.. ;)