Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Of Numbers & Figures?...

My colleagues and I had our girl talk in the library today...yes, students are having their mid-term break so the library was pretty empty..then, in the midst of conversation, my little brain up there made me realize.......dat life's too short to be wasted on unworthy things..well, of course different people have different definition of unworthy..n so do I..........

n it doesn't just end there...i kept pondering on it even after lunch..i'm in my mid-twenties now..like, what have i done in the past 20 plus years??..it's all about the numbers right?..if only our age doesn't increase, then it wouldn't have mattered, rite?...but come to think of it, there's a reason to why people start inventing something called "numbers" and "figures".......?....so that we can keep track, agree?...





oh no, is this wat old people tend to do?..ponder too much on life like there's nothing else to be done..??..hahah! i AM younggggg!.. & i'd love to waste morrre time on unworthy things....coz when the time comes and i get rili old, then i would regret not doing all the unworthy things..so yeah, come what may...i am sooo doing my thingsss..

p/s: some people commented on my habit of thinking too much..well, i don't see it as a problem tho...i think it's one of the ways to keep my brain working..hahahaha!.. juz b careful on wat ur thinkin about... ;) ..ngeeee~


@Fr!^n@ said...

u make me realize that im getting old.. n im such a loser..
uwaaa...sedeyh2.. :(

Black Mouse said...

alamak!..ur not babe!!
jgn la t'rs plak..
huhuu..jgn cedeyh2..nti aku pn cedeyh..huhuuu.. :(

Ejen Takaful | Takaful Agent said...

p/s: some people commented on my habit of thinking too much..well, i don't see it as a problem tho...i think it's one of the ways to keep my brain working..hahahaha!.. juz b careful on wat ur thinkin about... ;) ..ngeeee~ <<---- nice statement..

Black Mouse said...

tq Harris..

Nad said...

psl pk bnyk sgt la kita jd mcm ni...

juz b careful on wat ur thinkin about.-->>pndi plak ckp mcm ni..tp yg slalu syg pk dulu mcm mana?

Black Mouse said...

thx nad..manusia xlps dr kesalahan..i'm human too..tp elok la sedar diri n b'ubah dr tros buat silap..kn?..in any case, smua org ade perception masing2 on wats rite n wats wrong..well, here's my personal perception..it cud b wrong from ur point of view..thx 4 ur comment.