Thursday, May 27, 2010


Early of the year...I was pretty much looking forward for the month of June..but then He took it away from me way before things are about to's every girl's dream to have their lil secret fantasy...........mine's's over I know, but I can't lie that this coming June won't remind me of those things that I've dreamed of...I know this June will not quite bring me the happiness which I thought it would...but maybe He has better plans for me....June might be the kick start for a new dream?...perhaps..?....I kinda can't wait for June to be over...maybe that way I wouldn't be so reminded of those dreams... *sigh* I really need some distraction........hmmm...


Anonymous said...

hey! it's nice to finally find someone on here not blogging about their kids lol. I know you don't know me... I promise I'm not a creeper. I read some of your blogs and I think that things will change in a good way for you : ) I've had my down times too but keep your head up!

LADYBUG said...

I think I am old enough to say being happy is a decision, being happy is an attitude from the inside out. being happy is a mantra to repeat every counted day from morning to night, what you think is what you say, and what you say goes out to the universe, and what yo send to the universe comes back to multiplied by billions. so what am I trying to say? invent a positive mantra of good wishes to yourself an others, they will multiply to you. believe in a higher power helps.

Black Mouse said...

Michelle : hye there! thanks for dropping by..i'm trying to keep my head up now..i bet this is just a phase in my life..shall get over it soon..thanks.. :)

Joven : hi!thanks for visiting..will drop by your blog right away!

Ladybug : thank you so much for your advice..i shall invent my very own positive mantra..thank you..

thank you so much everyone..your advice and concern makes me feel good already..thanks.. :)

mrashhall said...

Hi that blog really spoke to me exspesielly as i know what your talking about i'v been where you are. about a year ago now my EX broke up with me and i still can't forget her i LOVE her soo much and thoght their was gonna be something between us because girls arnt the only ones that dream i was dreaming about my future with her and she tore my heart out and stamped on it. in fact just this day she called just to say she has a bf and if i try cxontacting her he will beat me up agian. check my blog out too ppl Http://

Iva. said...

Hay, I love this picture. <3