Friday, January 9, 2009

craving for another novel........

it's been a while.......i'm craving for another novel..perhaps another cecelia ahern's kot...mmm...
papa...can i hv another one.....plzzzzzz?...i saw dat they're selling a set of cecelia's..3 for 60 sumthing je pa....huhu...if only papa baca ni..mesti papa blikn kan?..hee..nvm, i'll wait till u ask me if there's anythg dat i want..hehee.. :P


@Fr!^n@ said...

cecilia ahern.. ps i love u..
kalo ade mase try la bace.. nk taw jugak buku tuh pasal per..
love to read.. but right now.. takde mase la.. hukhukhukhuk.. then takde wet nk beli.. agagagagag :P
byk sgt alasan.. ehuhuhuhuu
btw.. now pc i da ade net.. ehehe.. tapi ym takde... ;)
ym kat umah je la... :P

Black Mouse said...

aaa..yg tu pn cam menarik gk..tajuk dia tuh ade movie n lagu tajuk cmtu gk kn?..ngee..nti beta cek brp hargas nyer..kalo mampu, ngap tros..kalo x mampu,mampus la..hehe..tgu ko gaji la ek?..lalalalala~