Sunday, May 17, 2009

Forbidden Love...?..

It's been a while since I last update my blog..
So many things happened that I don't rili hv the time to update my blog..
but paper n pen are almost everywhere that whenever i have the "urge" to write, I'll simply scribble it here it goes......

There was a tale about a Mouse who is really crazy about cheese. One day, he fell deeply in love with the moon, thinking that she is a cheese. Every night, the Mouse will look up to the sky to watch the Moon. And during the day, he will be restless, waiting for night to come.

The Moon knows about the Mouse's feelings towards her. Feeling the attraction between them, the Moon decided to reveal her feelings to the Mouse. With cheese in one hand, the Mouse replied, "I do love you too Moon, but there's nothing I can do".

Upon listening to this, the Moon was so heart broken that she decided to hide herself among the clouds. Whenever the Mouse looked up to watch the Moon, she will hide herself. So, if you happen to look up to the sky and the Moon is hiding among the clouds, you should know that the Mouse is also looking up to see the moon......heh...enough said..move on!!


@Fr!^n@ said...

hey hey...
jgn la bg perumpamaan teruk sangat..
aishh.. pening aku nk analyze..
i wish that u r in good condition in terms of perasaan and hati..
dont take it too serius k gal..

Black Mouse said...

lupe plak nk taruk tagline..
"kisah ini tiada kena mengena dgn bla bla bla..."..
haha..aku ok la dear..saje tukar genre..tulis cite utk kanak2 plak..
;) lg satu..."y so serious?"...ahahhaha!! lebiu dodol!! muaxxx!!